Special resistors are electronic components that limit current, adjust voltage, divide voltage, and shunt current in circuits. Mainstream special resistor product lines usually include metal film resistors, carbon film resistors, metal oxide resistors, adjustable resistors, etc. These resistors have different parameter requirements in different application scenarios. The following will introduce the parameter requirements of these mainstream special resistor product lines.
Metal film resistors are resistors that use metal film as the resistance material. They have the characteristics of high precision, good stability, and small temperature coefficient. When selecting metal film resistors, the parameters that need to be considered include resistance range, accuracy level, power capacity, temperature coefficient, etc. The resistance range usually ranges from a few ohms to several megohms, the accuracy level is generally 1%, 5%, 10%, etc., the power capacity generally ranges from 1/8 watt to several watts, and the temperature coefficient is generally below 50ppm/℃. Metal film resistors are widely used in electronic equipment, communication equipment, automotive electronics and other fields.Carbon film resistors are resistors that use carbon film as the resistance material. They are low-priced, stable, and have a small temperature coefficient. When choosing a carbon film resistor, the parameters that need to be considered include resistance range, accuracy level, power capacity, and temperature coefficient. The resistance range usually ranges from a few ohms to several megohms, the accuracy level is generally 5%, 10%, etc., the power capacity generally ranges from 1/8 watt to several watts, and the temperature coefficient is generally below 200ppm/℃. Carbon film resistors are widely used in household appliances, electronic toys, electronic game consoles, and other fields.
Metal oxide resistors are resistors that use metal oxide as the resistance material. They are resistant to high temperature, humidity, and corrosion. When choosing a metal oxide resistor, the parameters that need to be considered include resistance range, accuracy level, power capacity, and temperature coefficient. The resistance range usually ranges from a few ohms to several megohms, the accuracy level is generally 1%, 5%, 10%, etc., the power capacity generally ranges from 1/8 watt to several watts, and the temperature coefficient is generally below 100ppm/℃. Metal oxide resistors are widely used in industrial control, power electronics, medical equipment and other fields.
An adjustable resistor is a resistor whose resistance value can be adjusted by a knob or a sliding rheostat. It has the characteristics of a large adjustment range, high precision, and good reliability. When selecting an adjustable resistor, the parameters that need to be considered include resistance range, accuracy level, power capacity, temperature coefficient, etc. The resistance range usually ranges from a few ohms to several megohms, the accuracy level is generally 1%, 5%, 10%, etc., the power capacity generally ranges from 1/8 watt to several watts, and the temperature coefficient is generally below 50ppm/℃. Adjustable resistors are widely used in instrumentation, communication equipment, aerospace and other fields.
In summary, the parameter requirements of mainstream special resistor product series include resistance range, accuracy level, power capacity, temperature coefficient, etc. Different types of special resistors have different characteristics and advantages in different application scenarios. When choosing special resistors, users need to choose according to specific needs and application scenarios to ensure the stability and reliability of the circuit. As an important component of electronic components, special resistors play an important role in improving circuit performance and stability. I hope this article will be helpful to you.